//                                                                FFCal.mq4
//                                            Copyright © 2006, Derk Wehler 
//                                                   (derkwehler@gmail.com)
// Written in cooperation with:                 http://www.forexfactory.com
#property copyright "Copyright © 2006, Derk Wehler"
#property link      "http://www.forexfactory.com"

#property indicator_chart_window
#property indicator_buffers 3

#define TITLE        0
#define COUNTRY    1
#define DATE        2
#define TIME        3
#define IMPACT        4
#define FORECAST    5
#define PREVIOUS    6

#define EVENTMAX 256

extern bool     IncludeHigh         = true;
extern bool     IncludeMedium         = true;
extern bool     IncludeLow             = false;
extern bool     IncludeSpeaks         = true;         // news items with "Speaks" in them have different characteristics
bool        IsEA_Call            = false;
int        OffsetHours            = 0;        // No longer used - euclid
bool        AllowWebUpdates    = true;     // Set this to false when another indicator instance is already
                                             // running on that same symbol and same period.
extern int        AlertMinsBefore    = 5;            // Set to -1 for no Alert
extern int        AlertMinsBefore2    = 1;            // Set to -1 for no Alert
bool        ReportAllForUSD    = false;
bool     EnableLogging         = false;        // Perhaps remove this from externs once its working well
bool        ShowNextTwoEvents    = true;
bool        ShowVertNews        = false;
extern int         TxtSize                = 10;
color     TxtColorTitle         = clrWhite;
extern color     TxtColorNews         = clrDeepSkyBlue;
color     TxtColorImpact     = clrRed;
extern color     TxtColorImpactHigh     = clrRed;
extern color     TxtColorImpactMedium     = clrOrange;
extern color     TxtColorImpactLow     = clrGold;
int        VertTxtShift         = 21;            // How far away below the ask line we want to place our vertical news text
int        VertLeftLineShift = 900;            // How far away to the left of the line we want to place our vertical news text
int        VertRightLineShift= 200;            // How far away to the left of the line we want to place our vertical news text
color    VertLineColor         = SlateBlue;    // Color of our vertical news line
color    VertTxtColor         = White;        // Color of our vertical text color 
int        VertTxtSize         = 8;            // Color of our vertical text
int        NewsCorner             = 4;            // Choose which corner to place headlines 0=Upper Left, 1=Upper Right, 2=lower left , 3=lower right
bool        SaveXmlFiles        = false;        // If true, this will keep the daily XML files

int        DebugLevel = 2;

double     ExtMapBuffer0[];    // Contains (minutes until) each news event
double     ExtMapBuffer1[];    // Contains only most recent and next news event ([0] & [1])
double     ExtMapBuffer2[];    // Contains impact value for most recent and next news event

string    sUrl = "http://www.forexfactory.com/ffcal_week_this.xml";
int     xmlHandle;
int     logHandle = -1;
int     BoEvent, finalend, end, i;
int        begin;
string     mainData[EVENTMAX][7];
int     minsTillNews;
string     sData, csvoutput;
string    commentStr;
int        tmpMins;
int        idxOfNext;
int        dispMinutes[2];
string     dispTitle[2], 
string     sTags[7] = { "<title>", "<country>", "<date>", "<time>", "<impact>", "<forecast>", "<previous>" };
string     eTags[7] = { "</title>", "</country>", "</date>", "</time>", "</impact>", "</forecast>", "</previous>" };

bool NeedToGetFile = false;
int    PrevMinute = -1;
//static int    RefreshMin = 0;
//static int    RefreshHour = 0;

datetime     LastTimeAlert1 = 0;    // Used to make sure we only draw something once per annoucement. Added by MN
string         xmlFileName;          // Made global. added by MN
int         LastSTO=0; //Added by euclid

int init()
    // If we are not logging, then do not output debug statements either
    // moved by euclid
    if (!EnableLogging)
        DebugLevel = 0;

    // Open the log file (will not open if logging is turned off)
   // Filename changed by euclid
    //if (DebugLevel > 0)
    //    Log("In Init()...\n");
   SetIndexStyle(0, DRAW_NONE);
    SetIndexBuffer(0, ExtMapBuffer0);

    SetIndexStyle(1, DRAW_NONE);
    SetIndexBuffer(1, ExtMapBuffer1);

    SetIndexStyle(1, DRAW_NONE);
    SetIndexBuffer(2, ExtMapBuffer2);



int deinit()



   DeleteVLines(); //added by euclid   
    // Fixed one case of divide by zero where multiple charts 
    // indicator is on was trying to overwrite the same file
    xmlFileName = GetXmlFileName();
    xmlHandle = FileOpen(xmlFileName, FILE_BIN|FILE_READ|FILE_WRITE);

    // File does not exist if FileOpen return -1 or if GetLastError = ERR_CANNOT_OPEN_FILE (4103)
    if (xmlHandle >= 0)
        // Since file exists, Close what we just opened
        // Delete our news file and redownload a new one to prevent a remainder from zero divide error
        if (!SaveXmlFiles)
   if (logHandle > 0)
        logHandle = -1;


void DeleteVLines()
  {//delete lines - moved to function call by euclid
    // Cycle through all the Objects looking for the Vertical Line. //added by MN
    int li;
    for(li=ObjectsTotal()-1; li >= 0; li--)
        string VerticalLineName = ObjectName(li);
        if (StringSubstr(VerticalLineName, 0, 5) != "vLine")

    // Cycle through all the Objects looking for the HeadLine text. //added by MN
    for (li=ObjectsTotal()-1; li >= 0; li--)
        string HeadlineName = ObjectName(li);
        if (StringSubstr(HeadlineName, 0, 8) != "Headline")

string GetXmlFileName()
    return (Month() + "-" + Day() + "-" + Year() + "-" + Symbol() + Period() + "-" + "FFCal.xml");

#import "wininet1.dll"
   int DeleteUrlCacheEntry(string a0);
#import "urlmon.dll"
   int URLDownloadToFileW(int a0, string a1, string a2, int a3, int a4);

int start()
    int         newsIdx = 0;
    int         nextNewsIdx = -1;
    int         next;
    string     myEvent;
    bool         skip;
    datetime newsTime;
    // check to make sure we are connected, otherwise exit. Added by MN
    if (!IsConnected())
        Print("News Indicator is waiting for a connection to broker!");//message modified by euclid
    commentStr = "FOREX FACTORY CALENDAR";
    // Added this section to check if the XML file already exists.  
    // If it does NOT, then we need to set a flag to go get it
    xmlFileName = GetXmlFileName();
    xmlHandle = FileOpen(xmlFileName, FILE_BIN|FILE_READ);

    // File does not exist if FileOpen return -1 or if GetLastError = ERR_CANNOT_OPEN_FILE (4103)
    if (xmlHandle >= 0)
        // Since file exists, close what we just opened
        NeedToGetFile = false;
        NeedToGetFile = true;

    //added by MN. Set this to false when using in another EA or Chart, so that the multiple 
    //instances of the indicator dont fight with each other
    if (AllowWebUpdates && NeedToGetFile)
        // New method: Use global variables so that when put on multiple charts, it 
        // will not update overly often; only first time and every 4 hours
        // Global variables code not working removed by euclid
        //if (DebugLevel > 1)
        //    Print(GlobalVariableGet(GVUpdateTime) + " " + (TimeCurrent() - GlobalVariableGet(GVUpdateTime)));
        //if (DebugLevel > 1)
        //    Log("sUrl == ", sUrl);
        if (DebugLevel > 1)
            Log("Grabbing Web, url = "+sUrl);

               if (IsTesting())
                     string dnlFile = TerminalInfoString(TERMINAL_DATA_PATH)+"\\tester\\files\\"+xmlFileName;
               else         dnlFile = TerminalInfoString(TERMINAL_DATA_PATH)+"\\MQL4\\files\\"+xmlFileName;
               string dnlLink = "http://www.forexfactory.com/ffcal_week_this.xml";
               int delResult = DeleteUrlCacheEntry(dnlFile);
//               int delResult = DeleteUrlCacheEntry(dnlFile);
               int dowResult = URLDownloadToFileW(0,dnlLink,dnlFile,0,0);
               int filehandle=FileOpen(xmlFileName,FILE_READ|FILE_BIN);
               sData = FileReadString(filehandle,0);
//        GrabWeb(sUrl, sData);

        if (DebugLevel > 1)
            Log("Opening XML file...\n");
            Log(StringConcatenate(StringLen(sData), " bytes"));

        //--- Look for the end XML tag to ensure that a complete page was downloaded ---//
      // block moved by euclid - now we check file is OK before overwriting previous file
      // needs code added to keep using existing file while attmpting downloads
        end = StringFind(sData, "</weeklyevents>", 0);

        if (end <= 0)
            Log("Error: web page not complete");
//            Alert("FFCal Error - Web page download was not complete!");

        // Delete existing file
        // Write the contents of the ForexFactory page to an .htm file
        // If it is still open from the above FileOpen call, close it.
        xmlHandle = FileOpen(xmlFileName, FILE_BIN|FILE_WRITE);
        if (xmlHandle < 0)
           Print("Can\'t open xml file: ", xmlFileName, ".  The last error is ", GetLastError());
         Log("Error: XML file open failed");
        FileWriteString(xmlHandle, sData, StringLen(sData));

        if (DebugLevel > 1)
            Log("Wrote XML file...\n");
      DeleteVLines(); //new file downloaded delete old data from chart - added by euclid
       } //end of allow web updates

    // = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
    // Perform remaining checks once per minute
    if (!IsEA_Call && Minute() == PrevMinute)
        return (true);
    PrevMinute = Minute();
   //    Print("FFCal NEW MINUTE...Refreshing News from XML file...");

    // Init the buffer array to zero just in case
    ArrayInitialize(ExtMapBuffer0, 0);
    ArrayInitialize(ExtMapBuffer1, 0);
    // Open the XML file
    xmlHandle = FileOpen(xmlFileName, FILE_BIN|FILE_READ);
    if (xmlHandle < 0)
        Print("Can\'t open xml file: ", xmlFileName, ".  The last error is ", GetLastError());
      Log("Error: XML file open failed");
    if (DebugLevel > 1)
        Log("XML file opened");
    // Read in the whole XML file
    // Workaround for FileReadString limitation - added by euclid
    while (StringLen(sData) < (int)FileSize(xmlHandle))
       sData = StringConcatenate(sData,FileReadString(xmlHandle, FileSize(xmlHandle)-StringLen(sData)));
       //changed to StringConcatenate (string + string is not reliable) - euclid    
    if (DebugLevel > 1)
        Log(StringConcatenate(StringLen(sData)," bytes read"));

    // Because MT4 build 202 complained about too many files open and MT4 hung. Added by MN
    if (xmlHandle > 0)

    // Get the currency pair, and split it into the two countries
    string pair = Symbol();
    string cntry1 = StringSubstr(pair, 0, 3);
    string cntry2 = StringSubstr(pair, 3, 3);
    if (DebugLevel > 2)
        Log("cntry1 = "+cntry1+"    cntry2 = "+cntry2);
    if (DebugLevel > 1)
        Log("Weekly calendar for " + pair + "\n\n");
   // calculate server time offset - added by euclid
   double d = (TimeCurrent()-lTimeGMT());
   int ServerTimeOffset = 3600*MathRound(d/3600);
   if (ServerTimeOffset!=LastSTO) DeleteVLines();
    // -------------------------------------------------
    // Parse the XML file looking for an event to report
    // -------------------------------------------------
    tmpMins = 10080;    // (a week)
    BoEvent = 0;

    while (newsIdx<EVENTMAX)//added by euclid
        BoEvent = StringFind(sData, "<event>", BoEvent);
        if (BoEvent == -1)
        BoEvent += 7;    
        next = StringFind(sData, "</event>", BoEvent);
        if (next == -1)
        myEvent = StringSubstr(sData, BoEvent, next - BoEvent);
        BoEvent = next;
        begin = 0;
        skip = false;
        for (i=0; i < 7; i++)
            mainData[newsIdx][i] = "";
            next = StringFind(myEvent, sTags[i], begin);
            // Within this event, if tag not found, then it must be missing; skip it
            if (next == -1)
                // We must have found the sTag okay...
                begin = next + StringLen(sTags[i]);            // Advance past the start tag
                end = StringFind(myEvent, eTags[i], begin);    // Find start of end tag
                if (end > begin && end != -1)
                    // Get data between start and end tag
                    mainData[newsIdx][i] = StringSubstr(myEvent, begin, end - begin);
                    //check for CDATA tag - added by euclid
                    if (StringSubstr(mainData[newsIdx][i],0,9)=="<![CDATA[")
                    //also needs to check for HTML entities here... (euclid)

        if (!IncludeHigh && mainData[newsIdx][IMPACT] == "High") 
            skip = true;
        if (!IncludeMedium && mainData[newsIdx][IMPACT] == "Medium") 
            skip = true;
        if (!IncludeLow && mainData[newsIdx][IMPACT] == "Low") 
            skip = true;
        if (!IncludeSpeaks && (StringFind(mainData[newsIdx][TITLE], "speaks") != -1 || 
                                StringFind(mainData[newsIdx][TITLE], "Speaks") != -1) ) 
            skip = true;
        if (mainData[newsIdx][TIME] == "All Day" || 
            mainData[newsIdx][TIME] == "Tentative" ||
            mainData[newsIdx][TIME] == "") 
            skip = true;
        // = - =   = - =   = - =   = - =   = - =   = - =   = - =   = - =   = - =   = - =
        // If not skipping this event, then log it into the draw buffers
        if (!skip)
            // If we got this far then we need to calc the minutes until this event
            // First, convert the announcement time to seconds (in GMT)
            newsTime = StrToTime(MakeDateTime(mainData[newsIdx][DATE], mainData[newsIdx][TIME]));
            // Now calculate the minutes until this announcement (may be negative)
            minsTillNews = (newsTime - lTimeGMT()) / 60;
            if (DebugLevel > 2)
                Log("FOREX FACTORY\nTitle: " + mainData[newsIdx][TITLE] + "\n" + minsTillNews + "\n\n");
            // This "if" section added by MN
            // If minsTillNews is zero, then it's the time our news is hit
            // DisplayVerticalNews removed by euclid.
            if ((minsTillNews == 0) && (LastTimeAlert1 != newsTime))
                // draw the 1st news event onto the chart vertically so 
                // we have a visual record of when it occured
                // DisplayVerticalNews(dispTitle[0], dispCountry[0], 0); 

                // If there is a 2nd simultaneous news event, 
                // display the 2nd news event
                // if (dispMinutes[0] == dispMinutes[1])
                //    DisplayVerticalNews(dispTitle[1], dispCountry[1], 1); 
                // only draw once per announcement
                LastTimeAlert1 = newsTime;

            // This "if" section added by MN
            // Back Draw old news onto the chart. Added by MN
            if (ShowVertNews && !IsEA_Call)  
                // server time offsets added by euclid
                // Back draw 1st news headline
                DisplayOldNews(mainData[newsIdx][TITLE], mainData[newsIdx][COUNTRY], 0, StrToTime(MakeDateTime(mainData[newsIdx][DATE], mainData[newsIdx][TIME]))+ServerTimeOffset); 
                //if there is a 2nd simultaneously occuring news headline, draw that onto the chart as well
                if (mainData[newsIdx][TIME] == mainData[newsIdx+1][TIME])
                    DisplayOldNews(mainData[newsIdx+1][TITLE], mainData[newsIdx+1][COUNTRY], 1, 
                        StrToTime(MakeDateTime(mainData[newsIdx+1][DATE], mainData[newsIdx+1][TIME]))+ServerTimeOffset); 
            // Keep track of the most recent news announcement.
            // Do that by saving each one until we get to the 
            // first annoucement that isn't in the past; i.e.
            // minsTillNews > 0.  Then, keep this one instead for
            // display, but only once the minutes until the next 
            // news is SMALLER than the minutes since the last.
//            Print("Mins till event: ", minsTillNews);
            if (minsTillNews < 0 || MathAbs(tmpMins) > minsTillNews)
                idxOfNext = newsIdx;
                tmpMins    = minsTillNews;
            //Log("Weekly calendar for " + pair + "\n\n");
            if (DebugLevel > 2)
                Log("FOREX FACTORY\nTitle: " + mainData[newsIdx][TITLE] + 
                                    "\nCountry: " + mainData[newsIdx][COUNTRY] + 
                                    "\nDate: " + mainData[newsIdx][DATE] + 
                                    "\nTime: " + mainData[newsIdx][TIME] + 
                                    "\nImpact: " + mainData[newsIdx][IMPACT] + 
                                    "\nForecast: " + mainData[newsIdx][FORECAST] + 
                                    "\nPrevious: " + mainData[newsIdx][PREVIOUS] + "\n\n");
            // Do alert if user has enabled
            if (AlertMinsBefore != -1 && minsTillNews == AlertMinsBefore)
                Alert(AlertMinsBefore, " minutes until news for ", pair, ": ", mainData[newsIdx][TITLE]);
            if (AlertMinsBefore2 != -1 && minsTillNews == AlertMinsBefore2)
                Alert(AlertMinsBefore2, " minutes until news for ", pair, ": ", mainData[newsIdx][TITLE]);
            // Buffers are set up as so: 
            // ExtMapBuffer0 contains the time UNTIL each announcement (can be negative)
            // e.g. [0] = -372; [1] = 25; [2] = 450; [3] = 1768 (etc.)
            // ExtMapBuffer1[0] has the mintutes since the last annoucement.
            // ExtMapBuffer1[1] has the mintutes until the next annoucement.
            ExtMapBuffer0[newsIdx] = minsTillNews;

    // Cycle through the events array and pick out the most recent 
    // past and the next coming event to put into ExtMapBuffer1. 
    // Put the corresponding impact for these two into ExtMapBuffer2.
    bool first = true;
    ExtMapBuffer1[0] = 99999;
    ExtMapBuffer1[1] = 99999;
    ExtMapBuffer2[0] = 0;
    ExtMapBuffer2[1] = 0;
    string outNews = "Minutes until news events for " + pair + " : ";
    for (i=0; i < newsIdx; i++)    
        outNews = outNews + ExtMapBuffer0[i] + ", ";
        if (ExtMapBuffer0[i] >= 0 && first)
            first = false;
            // Put the relevant info into the indicator buffers...

            // Minutes SINCE - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
            // (does not apply if the first event of the week has not passed)
            if (i > 0)
                ExtMapBuffer1[0] = MathAbs(ExtMapBuffer0[i-1]);
                ExtMapBuffer2[0] = ImpactToNumber(mainData[i-1][IMPACT]);
            // Minutes UNTIL - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
            // Check if past the last event.  
            if (ExtMapBuffer0[i] > 0 || (ExtMapBuffer0[i] == 0 && ExtMapBuffer0[i+1] > 0))
                ExtMapBuffer1[1] = ExtMapBuffer0[i];
            ExtMapBuffer2[1] = ImpactToNumber(mainData[i][IMPACT]);
        // Also use this loop to set which information to display
        if (i == idxOfNext)
            dispTitle[0]    = mainData[i][TITLE];
            dispCountry[0]     = mainData[i][COUNTRY];
            dispImpact[0]     = mainData[i][IMPACT];
            dispForecast[0] = mainData[i][FORECAST];
            dispPrevious[0] = mainData[i][PREVIOUS];
            dispMinutes[0]     = ExtMapBuffer0[i];
        if (i == idxOfNext + 1)
            dispTitle[1]    = mainData[i][TITLE];
            dispCountry[1]     = mainData[i][COUNTRY];
            dispImpact[1]     = mainData[i][IMPACT];
            dispForecast[1] = mainData[i][FORECAST];
            dispPrevious[1] = mainData[i][PREVIOUS];
            dispMinutes[1]     = ExtMapBuffer0[i];

    // If we are past all news events, then neither one will have been 
    // set, so set the past event to the last (negative) minutes
    if (ExtMapBuffer1[0] == 0 && ExtMapBuffer1[1] == 0)
        ExtMapBuffer1[0] = ExtMapBuffer0[i-1];
        ExtMapBuffer1[1] = 999999;


    // For debugging...Print the tines until news events, as a "Comment"
    if (DebugLevel > 2)
        Log(StringConcatenate("LastMins (ExtMapBuffer1[0]) = ", ExtMapBuffer1[0]));
        Log(StringConcatenate("NextMins (ExtMapBuffer1[1]) = ", ExtMapBuffer1[1]));

    if (!IsEA_Call)

    return (0);

// Back Draw Old news veritically on the Chart so that we 
// have a visual reference of when it did occur. Added by MN 
void DisplayOldNews(string tdispTitle, string tdispCountry, int shift, datetime TheTime)
    int       BarShift;
    double     Pivot;
    double    Height = 0.0;

    // We have TheTime, now we need the shift so we can 
    // access this Bar's High/Low/Close information
    BarShift = iBarShift(NULL, 0, TheTime);   

    // Calculate our pivot point to determine where to place the news text
    Pivot = (iHigh(NULL, 1440, BarShift) + 
            iLow(NULL, 1440, BarShift) + 
            iClose(NULL, 1440, BarShift)) / 3;

    // If open price is above the Pivot, determine our height
    if (Open[BarShift] > Pivot)
        Height = Low[iLowest(NULL, 0, MODE_LOW, 5, BarShift)] - VertTxtShift*Point;
    // Otherwise Open is below Pivot
        Height = High[iHighest(NULL, 0, MODE_HIGH, 5, BarShift)] + VertTxtShift*Point;

    //Print("Title recieved : " + dispTitle + " Country Recieved: " + dispCountry + " Date and time Recieved: " + TheTime);

    // We only want to vertically draw the news if it hasnt occured yet
    // Modified to display news on current bar replacing DisplayVertNews().
    if (TheTime <= TimeCurrent())
        // Draw the first news headline 
        if (shift == 0)
            // Draw a vertical line at the time of the 
            // news if it hasnt already been drawn
            if (ObjectFind("vLine" + TheTime) == -1)
                ObjectCreate("vLine" + TheTime, OBJ_TREND, 0, TheTime, 0, TheTime, High[0]); //experimental
                ObjectSet("vLine" + TheTime, OBJPROP_COLOR, VertLineColor);
                ObjectSet("vLine" + TheTime, OBJPROP_STYLE, STYLE_DOT);
                // put object in the background behind any other object on the chart
                ObjectSet("vLine" + TheTime, OBJPROP_BACK, true);
            // Place our news if it hasnt already been placed on our chart
            if (ObjectFind("Headline" + TheTime) == -1)
                // For x value use Time[0], for y value find the lowest bar within the last 10 bars, subtract by VertTxtShift and used that as our y coordinate
                ObjectCreate("Headline" + TheTime, OBJ_TEXT, 0, TheTime - VertLeftLineShift, Height); 
                // rotate the text 90 degrees
                ObjectSet("Headline" + TheTime, OBJPROP_ANGLE, 90);
                ObjectSetText("Headline" + TheTime, "News: " + tdispCountry + " " + tdispTitle, 
                            VertTxtSize, "Arial", VertTxtColor);
        // Draw second news headline
            //place our news if it hasnt already been placed on our chart
            if (ObjectFind("Headline" + TheTime + "s") == -1)
                // For x value use Time[0], for y value find the lowest bar within the 
                // last 10 bars, subtract by VertTxtShift and used that as our y coordinate
                ObjectCreate("Headline" + TheTime + "s", OBJ_TEXT, 0, 
                                TheTime + VertRightLineShift, Height); 
                // Rotate the text 90 degrees
                ObjectSet("Headline" + TheTime + "s", OBJPROP_ANGLE, 90);
                ObjectSetText("Headline" + TheTime + "s", "News: " + tdispCountry + " " + tdispTitle, 
                                VertTxtSize, "Arial", VertTxtColor);
        } // end of "if shift)
    } // end of (TheTime < Time[0])
    // Force a redraw of our chart


void OutputToChart()
    // Added by Robert for using TxtSize and TxtColor for easier reading
    int curY = 1;
    int Days, Hours, Mins; // to display time in days, hours, minutes
    string TimeStr;

    // Ensures that we clean up so that we get old text 
    // left behind on old news annoumcents. Added by MN. Moved by euclid.

    /*if (ObjectFind("Sponsor") == -1)
        ObjectCreate("Sponsor", OBJ_LABEL, 0, 0, 0);
    ObjectSetText("Sponsor", commentStr, TxtSize, "Arial Bold", TxtColorTitle);
    ObjectSet("Sponsor", OBJPROP_CORNER, NewsCorner);
    ObjectSet("Sponsor", OBJPROP_XDISTANCE, 5);
    ObjectSet("Sponsor", OBJPROP_YDISTANCE, curY);*/       
    // If the time is 0 or negative, we want to say 
    // "xxx mins SINCE ... news event", else say "UNTIL ... news event"
    string     sinceUntil = "until ";
    int     dispMins = dispMinutes[0];
    if (dispMinutes[0] <= 0)
        sinceUntil = "since ";
        dispMins *= -1;
    curY = curY + TxtSize + 4;
    // added the following to show hours and days for longer durations
    // this could be enhanced to suppress 0 hours and 0 minutes
    if (dispMins == 999999)
        TimeStr = " (No more events this week)";
    else if (dispMins < 60)
        TimeStr = dispMins + " mins ";
    else // time is 60 minutes or more
        Hours = MathRound(dispMins / 60);
        Mins = dispMins % 60;
        if (Hours < 24) // less than a day: show hours and minutes
            TimeStr = Hours + " hrs " + Mins + " mins ";
        else  // days, hours, and minutes
            Days = MathRound(Hours / 24);
            Hours = Hours % 24;
            TimeStr = Days + " days " + Hours + " hrs " + Mins + " mins ";
    if (ObjectFind("Minutes") == -1)
        ObjectCreate("Minutes", OBJ_LABEL, 0, 0, 0);

    if (dispMins == 999999)
        ObjectSetText("Minutes", TimeStr, TxtSize, "Trebuchet MS", TxtColorNews);
        ObjectSetText("Minutes", TimeStr + sinceUntil + dispCountry[0] + ": " + dispTitle[0], TxtSize, "Trebuchet MS", TxtColorNews);

    ObjectSet("Minutes", OBJPROP_CORNER, NewsCorner);
    ObjectSet("Minutes", OBJPROP_XDISTANCE, 5);
    ObjectSet("Minutes", OBJPROP_YDISTANCE, curY);

    curY = curY + TxtSize + 4;
    if (ObjectFind("Impact") == -1)
        ObjectCreate("Impact", OBJ_LABEL, 0, 0, 0);
    if (dispImpact[0]=="Low") TxtColorImpact=TxtColorImpactLow;else if(dispImpact[0]=="Medium") TxtColorImpact=TxtColorImpactMedium;else if(dispImpact[0]=="High") TxtColorImpact=TxtColorImpactHigh;else TxtColorImpact=Red;
    ObjectSetText("Impact", "Impact: " + dispImpact[0], TxtSize, "Trebuchet MS", TxtColorImpact);
    ObjectSet("Impact", OBJPROP_CORNER, NewsCorner);
    ObjectSet("Impact", OBJPROP_XDISTANCE, 5);
    ObjectSet("Impact", OBJPROP_YDISTANCE, curY);

        // Do second news event
    if (ShowNextTwoEvents && dispTitle[1] != "")
        sinceUntil = "until ";
        dispMins = dispMinutes[1];
        if (dispMinutes[1] <= 0)
            sinceUntil = "since ";
            dispMins *= -1;

        curY = curY + TxtSize + 3;

        // added the following to show hours and days for longer durations
        // this could be enhanced to suppress 0 hours and 0 minutes
        if (dispMins == 999999)
            TimeStr = " (No more events this week)";
        else if (dispMins < 60)
            TimeStr = dispMins + " mins ";
        else // time is 60 minutes or more
            Hours = MathRound(dispMins / 60);
            Mins = dispMins % 60;
            if (Hours < 24) // less than a day: show hours and minutes 
                TimeStr = Hours + " hrs " + Mins + " mins ";
            else // days, hours, and minutes
                Days = MathRound(Hours / 24);
                Hours = Hours % 24;
                TimeStr = Days + " days " + Hours + " hrs " + Mins + " mins ";
        if (ObjectFind("Minutes2") == -1)
            ObjectCreate("Minutes2", OBJ_LABEL, 0, 0, 0);

        if (dispMins == 999999)
            ObjectSetText("Minutes", TimeStr, TxtSize, "Trebuchet MS", TxtColorNews);
            ObjectSetText("Minutes2", TimeStr + "until " + dispCountry[1] + ": " + dispTitle[1], TxtSize, "Trebuchet MS", TxtColorNews);

        ObjectSet("Minutes2", OBJPROP_CORNER, NewsCorner);
        ObjectSet("Minutes2", OBJPROP_XDISTANCE, 5);
        ObjectSet("Minutes2", OBJPROP_YDISTANCE, curY);

        curY = curY + TxtSize + 4;
        if (ObjectFind("Impact2") == -1)
            ObjectCreate("Impact2", OBJ_LABEL, 0, 0, 0);
        if (dispImpact[1]=="Low") TxtColorImpact=TxtColorImpactLow;else if(dispImpact[1]=="Medium") TxtColorImpact=TxtColorImpactMedium;else if(dispImpact[1]=="High") TxtColorImpact=TxtColorImpactHigh;else TxtColorImpact=Red;
        ObjectSetText("Impact2", "Impact: " + dispImpact[1], TxtSize, "Trebuchet MS", TxtColorImpact);
        ObjectSet("Impact2", OBJPROP_CORNER, NewsCorner);
        ObjectSet("Impact2", OBJPROP_XDISTANCE, 5);
        ObjectSet("Impact2", OBJPROP_YDISTANCE, curY);


double ImpactToNumber(string impact)
    if (impact == "High")
        return (3);
    if (impact == "Medium")
        return (2);
    if (impact == "Low")
        return (1);
        return (0);
string MakeDateTime(string strDate, string strTime)
    // Print("Converting Forex Factory Time into Metatrader time..."); //added by MN
    // Converts forexfactory time & date into yyyy.mm.dd hh:mm
    int n1stDash = StringFind(strDate, "-");
    int n2ndDash = StringFind(strDate, "-", n1stDash+1);

    string strMonth = StringSubstr(strDate, 0, 2);
    string strDay = StringSubstr(strDate, 3, 2);
    string strYear = StringSubstr(strDate, 6, 4); 
//    strYear = "20" + strYear;
    int nTimeColonPos = StringFind(strTime, ":");
    string strHour = StringSubstr(strTime, 0, nTimeColonPos);
    string strMinute = StringSubstr(strTime, nTimeColonPos+1, 2);
    string strAM_PM = StringSubstr(strTime, StringLen(strTime)-2);

    int nHour24 = StrToInteger(strHour);
    if ((strAM_PM == "pm" || strAM_PM == "PM") && nHour24 != 12)
        nHour24 += 12;
    if ((strAM_PM == "am" || strAM_PM == "AM") && nHour24 == 12)
        nHour24 = 0;
     string strHourPad = "";
    if (nHour24 < 10) 
        strHourPad = "0";

    return(StringConcatenate(strYear, ".", strMonth, ".", strDay, " ", strHourPad, nHour24, ":", strMinute));

//====================================   GrabWeb Functions   ======================================
// Main Webscraping function
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
// bool GrabWeb(string strUrl, string& strWebPage)
// returns the text of any webpage. Returns false on timeout or other error
// Parsing functions
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
// string GetData(string strWebPage, int nStart, string strLeftTag, string strRightTag, int& nPos)
// obtains the text between two tags found after nStart, and sets nPos to the end of the second tag
// void Goto(string strWebPage, int nStart, string strTag, int& nPos)
// Sets nPos to the end of the first tag found after nStart 

bool bWinInetDebug = true;

int hSession_IEType;
int hSession_Direct;
int Internet_Open_Type_Preconfig = 0;
int Internet_Open_Type_Direct = 1;
int Internet_Open_Type_Proxy = 3;
int Buffer_LEN = 80;

#import "wininet.dll"

#define INTERNET_FLAG_PRAGMA_NOCACHE    0x00000100 // Forces the request to be resolved by the origin server, even if a cached copy exists on the proxy.
#define INTERNET_FLAG_NO_CACHE_WRITE    0x04000000 // Does not add the returned entity to the cache. 
#define INTERNET_FLAG_RELOAD            0x80000000 // Forces a download of the requested file, object, or directory listing from the origin server, not from the cache.

int InternetOpenW(
    string     sAgent,
    int        lAccessType,
    string     sProxyName="",
    string     sProxyBypass="",
    int     lFlags=0

int InternetOpenUrlW(
    int     hInternetSession,
    string     sUrl, 
    string     sHeaders="",
    int     lHeadersLength=0,
    uint     lFlags=0,
    int     lContext=0 

int InternetReadFile(
    int     hFile,
    string     sBuffer,
    int     lNumBytesToRead,
    int&     lNumberOfBytesRead[]

int InternetCloseHandle(
    int     hInet

int hSession(bool Direct)
    string InternetAgent;
    if (hSession_IEType == 0)
        InternetAgent = "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; Q312461)";
        hSession_IEType = InternetOpenW(InternetAgent, Internet_Open_Type_Preconfig, "0", "0", 0);
        hSession_Direct = InternetOpenW(InternetAgent, Internet_Open_Type_Direct, "0", "0", 0);
    if (bWinInetDebug) 
        Log("hsession_ietype: " + hSession_IEType);
    if (bWinInetDebug) 
        Log("hsession_direct: " + hSession_Direct);

    if (Direct) 

bool GrabWeb(string strUrl, string& strWebPage)
    int     hInternet;
    int        iResult;
    int     lReturn[]    = {1};
    string     sBuffer        = "                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               ";    // 255 spaces
    int     bytes;
    bWinInetDebug = EnableLogging;  //added by euclid
    hInternet = InternetOpenUrlW(hSession(FALSE), strUrl, "0", 0, 
                                INTERNET_FLAG_NO_CACHE_WRITE | 
                                INTERNET_FLAG_PRAGMA_NOCACHE | 
                                INTERNET_FLAG_RELOAD, 0);
    if (bWinInetDebug) 
        Log("hInternet: " + hInternet);   
    if (hInternet == 0) 

    if (DebugLevel>1) Log("Reading URL: " + strUrl);       //added by MN modified by euclid    
    iResult = InternetReadFile(hInternet, sBuffer, Buffer_LEN, lReturn);
    if (bWinInetDebug) 
        Log("iResult: " + iResult);
    if (bWinInetDebug) 
        Log("lReturn: " + lReturn[0]);
    if (bWinInetDebug) 
        Log("iResult: " + iResult);
    if (bWinInetDebug) 
        Log("sBuffer: " +  sBuffer);
    if (iResult == 0) 
    bytes = lReturn[0];

    strWebPage = StringSubstr(sBuffer, 0, lReturn[0]);
    // If there's more data then keep reading it into the buffer
    while (lReturn[0] != 0)
        iResult = InternetReadFile(hInternet, sBuffer, Buffer_LEN, lReturn);
        if (lReturn[0]==0) 
        bytes = bytes + lReturn[0];
        strWebPage = strWebPage + StringSubstr(sBuffer, 0, lReturn[0]);

    if (DebugLevel>1) Log("Closing URL web connection");   //added by MN modified by euclid
    iResult = InternetCloseHandle(hInternet);
    if (iResult == 0) 

//===================================   LogUtils Functions   ======================================

void OpenLog(string strName)
    if (!EnableLogging) 

    if (logHandle > 0) 
    string strMonthPad = "";
     string strDayPad = "";
    if (Month() < 10) 
        strMonthPad = "0";
    if (Day() < 10) 
        strDayPad = "0";
   string strFilename = StringConcatenate(strName, "_", Year(), strMonthPad, Month(), strDayPad, Day(), "_log.txt");
    logHandle = FileOpen(strFilename,FILE_CSV|FILE_READ|FILE_WRITE);
    //Print("logHandle =================================== ", logHandle);
    if (logHandle > 0)
        FileSeek(logHandle, 0, SEEK_END);

void Log(string msg)
    if (!EnableLogging) 
    if (logHandle <= 0) 
    msg = TimeToStr(TimeCurrent(),TIME_DATE|TIME_MINUTES|TIME_SECONDS) + " " + msg;

//===================================   Timezone Functions   ======================================

#import "kernel32.dll"
int  GetTimeZoneInformation(int& TZInfoArray[]);


int TZInfoArray[43];    

datetime lTimeGMT() 
   {//modified by euclid
    int ret = GetTimeZoneInformation(TZInfoArray);
    int bias = TZInfoArray[0];
    if (ret == TIME_ZONE_ID_STANDARD) bias+=TZInfoArray[21];
    if (ret == TIME_ZONE_ID_DAYLIGHT) bias+=TZInfoArray[42];
    return( TimeLocal() + bias * 60 );

//=================================   END IMPORTED FUNCTIONS  =====================================